Human adults and infants show a “perceptual magnet effect” for prototypes of speech categories, monkeys do not. Perception & Psychophysics, 50, 93–107.
Keywords Perceptual magnet effect ·Categorical perception ·Speech perception ·Bayesian inference · Rational analysis Yakov Kronrod 1 Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA, USA 2 Department of Linguistics, University of Chicago, Chicago IL, USA 3 Department of Linguistics and UMIACS,
the data do not support the concept that "speech is special" Psychophysical phenomena such as categorical perception and the perceptual magnet effect indicate that our auditory perceptual spaces are warped for some stimuli. This paper investigates the effects of two different kinds of training on auditory perceptual space. specific effects on non-native consonant perception may persist into adulthood. First, fluent bilinguals show an L1 rather than an L2 (or combined) effect on non-native consonant discrimination in adulthood even if their L2 was acquired prior to 5 years [27]. Second, exposure to a language during only the first year of life 2020-01-01 · In studies investigating speech perception in young children, the relationship between performance on perceptual tasks and working memory has been described as bidirectional, where the process of perceptual attunement builds working memory, which in turn, leads to greater perception of speech sound contrasts (Manis et al., 1997, McBride-Chang, 1996). 24 Oct 2000 Moreover, linguistic experience alters infants' perception of speech, warping Categorical perception and the perceptual magnet effect make Previous research has demonstrated an apparent warping of the perceptual space whereby the best exemplars or 'prototypes' of speech sound categories ABSTRACT.
Interestingly, comparative tests show that, unlike categorical perception, animals do not exhibit the perceptual magnet effect ( 64 ). perception as well as the perceptual magnet effect in German boundary tones, taking also context information into account. The test phrase is preceded by different context sentences that are assumed to affect the location of the category boundary in the stimulus continuum between the low and the high boundary tone. Psychophysical phenomena such as categorical perception and the perceptual magnet effect indicate that our auditory perceptual spaces are warped for some stimuli. This paper investigates the effects of two different kinds of training on auditory perceptual space.
Psychophysical phenomena such as categorical perception and the perceptual magnet effect indicate that our auditory perceptual spaces are warped for some stimuli. This paper investigates the effects of two different kinds of training on auditory perceptual space.
‘perceptual magnet effect’ (PME). The present study extends work on the PME to a speech sound category previously unstudied in this paradigm (American English /æ/), and to bilingual speech sound representation and perception. American English monolinguals and Turkish-English bilin- These representations, stored in the brain, constitute the beginnings of language-specific speech perception and serve as a blueprint which guides infants' attempts to produce speech. The native language magnet effect works to partition the infant's perceptual space in a way that conforms to phonetic categories in the language that is heard.
claimed shrinking of perceptual space around prototypes has been termed the perceptual magnet effect (see Kuhl, 1991). This effect, if reliable, has important implications for how we categorize speech information. The perceptual magnet effect suggests that category centers are the basis for speech representation. This claim is contrary to previous
The magnet effect is a reorganization of perceptual space such that _____: small changes in formants are very detectable near a poor examplar of a vowel (i.e.
In these studies, AX-discrimination tasks purportedly reveal that discriminability of speech sounds from a single category varies with judged phonetic ‘‘goodness’’ of the sounds. However, one possible confound is that category membership is
2021-04-03 · These representations, stored in the brain, constitute the beginnings of language-specific speech perception and serve as a blueprint which guides infants' attempts to produce speech. The native language magnet effect works to partition the infant's perceptual space in a way that conforms to phonetic categories in the language that is heard. ‘‘Some auditory tual magnet effect, more evidence from electrophysiological, bases of speech perception and production,’’ in Advances in Speech; as well as, behavioral measures is obviously needed before Hearing and Language Processing, edited by W. A. Ainsworth, Vol. 1 the locus of the effect can be unambiguously determined. Perceptual warping of phonetic space applies beyond known phonetic categories: evidence from the perceptual magnet effect Bozena Pajaka Page Piccininib Roger Levyb a b Question Experiment Results Take-home message Background 1pSCb6 ! Non-native speech perception may be affected by general
Perceptual context effects of speech and nonspeech sounds: the role of auditory categories. Aravamudhan R(1), Lotto AJ, Hawks JW. Author information: (1)School of Audiology, Pennsylvania College of Optometry, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania 19020, USA. Williams [(1986).
Boka arets resultat
Interestingly, comparative tests show that, unlike categorical perception, animals do not exhibit the perceptual magnet effect ( 64 ). perception as well as the perceptual magnet effect in German boundary tones, taking also context information into account. The test phrase is preceded by different context sentences that are assumed to affect the location of the category boundary in the stimulus continuum between the low and the high boundary tone.
However, one possible confound is that category membership is
Apparently, the perceptual systems of CSEs may eventually adapt to accomodate new sounds at the cost of losing perceptual sensitivity to some of the native phonetic contrasts. 1.
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Perceptual magnet and phoneme boundary effects in speech perception: Do they arise from a common mechanism? Perception and Psychophysics, 62, 874–886. Kuhl, P. K. (2000). A new view of language acquisition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 97, 11850–11857. Kuhl, P. K. (2000). Language, mind, and brain: Experience alters
Model maintains that exposure to a 22 Mar 2019 Theoretical models of speech production suggest that the speech motor estimate the categorical perceptual boundary (CPB) between two front vowels (/ε/ and /æ/). and it is unclear if this effect can be observed in o We are refer- ring to the perceptual magnet effect as it is established in Kuhlís ( 1991) Native Language. Magnet Theory of Speech Perception.
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On prototype and phonetic categories: A critical assessment of the perceptual magnet effect in speech perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 23, 1665–1679.
In these studies, AX-discrimination tasks purportedly reveal that discriminability of speech sounds from a single category varies with judged phonetic ‘‘goodness’’ of the sounds. However, one possible confound is that category membership is 2021-04-03 · These representations, stored in the brain, constitute the beginnings of language-specific speech perception and serve as a blueprint which guides infants' attempts to produce speech.